Exploring parser combinators

David Wagner

This is an experience report of playing with Megaparsec, a parser combinator library in Haskell.

Parser combinators

The first time I saw a code snippet using the Parsec library I was truly amazed: a parser of Comma-Separated Values(CSV) reads:

csvFile = line `endBy` eol
line = cell `sepBy` (char ',')
cell = quotedCell <|> many (noneOf ",\n\r")

-- quotedCell = ... -- the definition is omitted

I had tried writing a CSV parser by hand before: it was about opening a file, looping over all the lines, splitting the lines on the comma, looping over those parts and so on. In the csvFile example I didn't find any of those: I can see that the code describes the CSV file, but where is all the parsing happening?

In the previous code-block some notations can be unfamiliar, but this is a great example of declarative code: you specify what, and not the how. In fact, if you learn a bit the library, the code almost reads as plain English:

  • A CSV file is zero or more occurrences of lines, separated and ended by end-of-line
  • A line is zero or more occurrences of cells, separated by comma
  • A cell is either a quoted cell or zero or more characters, excluding comma and new-line.

Using this domain specific language results in code that is not only declarative, but also compositional: complex parsers are built out of simpler parsers using the provided combinators. In our example the line, cell and the quotedCell parsers can be developed, tested and maintained separately.

Developing parsers in this way is called combinatory parsing and has a rich literature.

If you ever played with the big guns of parsing such as Lex/Yacc or ANTLR you can appreciate a whole new level of expressiveness. The parser combinators are written as a library of the host language. Here, I am interested in Haskell, but Parsec-like libraries exist for other languages as well. Contrary to traditional parser generators, there's no need for preprocessing or external tooling. In Haskell you can even try your parsers in an interactive REPL session. These features make it cheap to write ad-hoc parsers in your programs.

Haskell libraries

Many parser combinator libraries were written in Haskell; I did some research to decide which one to use. I narrowed down my options to three:

  1. Parsec
  2. Attoparsec
  3. Megaparsec (fork of Parsec)

I read somewhere that the original Parsec library may not give the best error messages when a parser fails. attoparsec is designed to be super-fast, aimed particularly at dealing efficiently with network protocols and complicated text/binary file formats. Megaparsec promises a "nice balance between speed, flexibility, and quality of parse errors". Sounds good to me. I decided to give Megaparsec a try.

Despite their different internals, these libraries expose a similar interface. Often it is not too difficult to port code from one library to an other. The README of megaparsec contains a more detailed comparison with other solutions.

Using Megaparsec

In spite of Megaparsec's detailed documentation and its great tutorial, initially I had a hard time finding the relevant documentation for specific combinators. The Megaparsec library organizes its functions in multiple modules/packages:

  • parser-combinators: generic combinators such as some, optional and sepBy.

  • Megaparsec: running parsers, primitive and derived combinators. For example, parse, oneOf, noneOf

  • Megaparsec.Char: characters and character groups. For example, space, eol, tab, alphaNumChar, digitChar

  • Megaparsec.Lexer: high level parsers for handling comments, indentation and numbers. For example, skipBlockComment, decimal, signed

I think this structure is sensible, but it takes a bit to understand. Especially for beginners it is hard to grasp what is a primitive and derived combinator or what is considered as high-level and low-level parser.

Solving a typical parsing problem, such as parsing a CSV-file, requires only a handful of library functions. As soon as you have those combinators figured out the development becomes a breeze. I felt that Megaparsec lets me almost directly transcribe data format specifications into code.


Combinatory parsing is a great way of developing parsers. Parser-like libraries demonstrate many good aspects of library design. They are compositional but beginners may have a hard time initially dealing with abstract combinators.

If you want to learn more about this topic I recommend watching Scott Wlaschin's presentations on parser combinators.