The essence of a CI/CD pipeline

David Wagner

Practitioners of continuous integration often describe the process of automated software delivery as a pipeline: the source code enters the pipe, it is compiled, tested, packaged and released product comes out on the other end.

This methaphor evokes the notions of delivering, modularity and continuity. Teams of different backgrounds relate to this image even without understanding each transformation step.

But what is a software delivery pipeline? In this post, instead of a metaphor, I propose a precise mathematical model of it.

Concept zoo

I reviewed five popular CI/CD systems where users model their software delivery process by defining a pipeline:

Let's see how the relevant user documentation describe the pipeline and its related concepts.

Task, action, step

The reviewed systems call the pipeline's unit of work task, action or step.

Azure Pipelines

A step is the smallest building block of a pipeline. A step can either be a script or a task.


A step is an executable command.


A task is the smallest configurable unit. A task can be thought of as a function from inputs to outputs that can either succeed or fail.

GitHub Actions

Individual tasks that you combine as steps to create a job. Actions are the smallest portable building block of a workflow.


A build task is an action that needs to be performed. Usually, it is a single command.

The names differ but they all describe a similar concept: the unit of work is an executable script or command.

Concourse's task definition proposes a precise semantic model: a task is a function. We will build on this model later.


A job is an ensemble of tasks, actions or steps.

Azure Pipelines

A job represents an execution boundary of a set of steps. All of the steps run together on the same agent.


Jobs are collections of steps.


Jobs are sequences steps to execute.

GitHub Actions

A defined task made up of steps. Each step in a job executes in the same runner.


A job consists of multiple tasks, each of which will be run in order.

At this concept the definitions start to diverge, still there are some common points:

  • Actions, tasks or steps build up jobs.
  • A job's components usually run sequentially.
  • A job's components usually run on the same build agent, executor or runner.

The notable exceptions are:

  • In Concourse it's possible to run a job's steps in parallel.
  • In Concourse and GoCD there are no locality guarantees on where the job's tasks are run.

These job definitions are operational and not denotational: instead of defining what a job means they focus on how a job is executed.


In some systems jobs can be grouped into a stage.

Azure Pipelines

A stage is a logical boundary in the pipeline. Each stage contains one or more jobs.


A stage consists of multiple jobs, each of which can run independently of the others.

Azure Pipelines runs the stages sequentially by default, but arbitrary ordering can also be defined between them. This includes no ordering at all, meaning that stages can run concurrently.

CircleCI, Concourse and GitHub Actions don't have this concept.

Pipeline, workflow

We now are ready to define a pipeline, also called workflow.

Azure Pipelines

A pipeline defines the continuous integration and deployment process for your app. It's made up of one or more stages.


Workflows define a list of jobs and their run order.


Pipelines are built around jobs and resources. They represent a dependency flow.

GitHub Actions

Workflows are made up of one or more jobs and can be scheduled or activated by an event.


A pipeline consists of multiple stages, each of which will be run in order.

Jobs or stages are grouped into pipelines. The definitions are again operational with an emphasis of execution order and dependencies.

Pipeline, simplified

Now we've seen some of the concepts of the most popular CI/CD systems. Some systems have even more which I didn't cover here.

Do we need all these to model the software deliver process?

Task as a function

Let's revisit Concourse's task definition: A task can be thought of as a function from inputs to outputs that can either succeed or fail.

This is a great definition because it specifies what a task means and not what it does or how it does it. Developers can choose to implement a task as they deem most fitting but the user can think of it as a function no matter what.

Let's see some task examples:

  • A compilation task takes a source code as input and produces a compiled binary as output.
  • A test task takes the compiled binary as input and produces a test report as output.
  • A release task takes the compiled binary and a test report. If the test report is acceptable (no tests fail, test coverage is OK) it releases the binary and returns a link to repository where the software can be downloaded.

I named the unit of work "task". As we've seen other systems prefer "step" or "action", which would be totally fine as well.

Let's write down formally Concourse's task definition.

type Task a b = a -> Maybe b

A Task is a function with two type parameters a and b representing its input and output types, respectively. To express possible failure, the output is wrapped in Haskell's Maybe type. In other languages this is called Option, optional or Result.

I wrote down this definition in Haskell's syntax but this is not important. What matters is that our model, the Task's meaning, is mathematical function.

These are the type signatures of the tasks described previously in words:

--         input type        output type
build   :: SourceCode     -> Maybe CompiledBinary
test    :: CompiledBinary -> Maybe TestReport
release :: CompiledBinary
        -> TestReport     -> Maybe PackageURL

These are not the implementation of these tasks but their definition expressed as Haskell code.

Sequential composition

Let's define a task to tests the incoming pull requests of our project.

This task takes the pull request's source code, builds the binary, runs the tests and returns the test report. The test report is for the reviewers to judge the quality of the proposed change.

In short, we want sequence the tasks build and test. If we had an operator with this type signature:

inSequence :: a -> Maybe b -- first task
           -> b -> Maybe c -- second task
           -> a -> Maybe c

we could express the pull request validating task as:

validatePullRequests :: SourceCode -> Maybe TestReport
validatePullRequests = inSequence build test


  • validatePullRequests is a Task because it's a function with the right type signature
  • The source code is fed to the first task, build
  • The resulting type of build is Maybe CompiledBinary
  • If build fails the result of the whole task is failure
  • Otherwise, feed the compiled binary to test

I haven't shown you the definition of inSequence, but you can verify that in the expression validatePullRequests the types match. You can also see that inSequence looks almost like regular function composition except the output types are wrapped in Maybe.

Parallel composition

Let's consider now two independent tasks:

unitTests        :: SourceCode -> Maybe UnitTestReport
integrationTests :: SourceCode -> Maybe IntegrationTestReport

These two test suites could be run in parallel, because they both only depend on the SourceCode value.

We don't want to introduce a new concept, but we want the result of parallel composition to be a Task as well. We're after an operator with the following type signature:

inParallel :: (a -> Maybe b)
           -> (a -> Maybe c)
           -> (a -> Maybe (b, c))

The composite task yields the results of input tasks as a tuple. If any of the two task fails, the result of the composite task is failure (represented by the value Nothing).

Using inParallel we could write a task to run all tests:

runAllTests :: SourceCode
            -> Maybe (UnitTestReport, IntegrationTestReport)
runAllTests = inParallel unitTests integrationTests

The inParallel operator represents a "fan-out" structure in the pipeline where independent transformation steps are applied on the same input.

Semantic model

In the previous sections we've defined a denotational model for CI/CD build tasks:

type Task a b = a -> Maybe b

which maps the Task concept to its meaning, a mathematical object. This serves not only as a mental model, but also it allows us introduce regular and powerful composition rules.

I've shown you inSequence and inParallel combinators. For reference, without explanation, here are their definitions:

inSequence :: Task a b -> Task b c -> Task a c
inSequence t1 t2 x = t1 x >>= t2
-- or equivalently
                   = t1 >=> t2

inParallel :: Task a b -> Task a c -> Task a (b, c)
inParallel t1 t2 x = liftA2 (,) (t1 x) (t2 x)

These combinators are expressed using the task's semantic model without operational terms or unnecessary limiting assumptions.

It turns out that inSequence and inParallel are not primitive operations. Tasks and their composition rules can be defined using a more general vocabulary of arrows. This suggests that the semantic model is powerful enough to model any software delivery process.

Using this model, jobs, stages, workflows and pipelines are just Tasks.


Today's popular CI/CD systems are built around the metaphor and not a rigorous definition of a pipeline. I propose Maybe-valued functions as a semantic model for a build task. Using well-studied and precisely defined rules, tasks can be composed to model the software delivery process.

In a future post I will present an experimental system which uses these principles to express continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines.


Many thanks to the members of the Pix4D CI team for the inspirational discussions during coffee breaks.

I'm grateful to Conal Elliott for reviewing an early draft of this article and for providing valuable feedback.